Connection Pioneers
Special thanks to the following individuals and organizations who contributed their resources OR time and talent.
Thanks to their generosity the Sixty Forward Center is a reality.
Roberta Abraham
Robert and Elizabeth Angelici
Louis and Patricia Banitt
William Bathie
Jim and Karen Beckwith
George and Jan Beran
Roger and Kay Berger
Rod and Joyce Brink
Ann Campbell
Patricia Cotter and Peter Orazem
Dave and Phyllis Craig
Lynell Dougherty Elizabeth Erbes – For The Public Good, Ltd. Co.
Glenn and Alyce Fanslow
Deb and Bill Fennelly
Holly, Jenna, and Nicholas Fitch
Rich and Mary Fitch
Jon Fleming
Mary Frahm
Robert and Bonnie Gelina
Donna Gilligan
Charles and Kathy Glatz
Mark and Winnie Gleason
Kate Gregory
Patricia and Roy Hougen
Michael and Phyllis Heffron
Christine Hunziker
Ann Hein
Lavonne Israel
Jewelry Sale Fundraiser
Alan and Ida Johnson
Casey and Nick Johnson / Ames-Ford Lincoln
Marilyn Johnson
Laura Jolly
Jane Jorgensen
John and Gale Kearney
Kathy Keller
Jennifer Killion & Eric Schmidt
Anne Kinzel
Mike and Mary Kitchell
James and Joyce Kliebenstein
David and Eleanor Kovach
Jami and Teresa Larson
Debbie Lee
Jane Lohnes
Ray Lounsberry
Manatts Inc
Sharron Martin
Carolyn McCall
Louis McCormick, in honor of Henry McCormick
Ken and Marie McCuskey
McFarland Clinic
McPhail Family
Leo and Jane Milleman
Tom and Michele Olsen
Fern Parrish
Janet Payer
Ruth Ann Robson
Janet Saizwedel
Dean and Judy Sampson
Emily Sargent – For The Public Good, Ltd. Co.
Lou and Cosette Scallon
Allen Schaper
John and Suzy Shierholz
David and Marianne Spalding
Vaughn Spear
Mark Stephenson
Story County Board of Supervisors
Mark and Alison Taylor
Loren and Solvay Twedt
Violet Tweed
Paula Toms
Elenore Vanderwater
Skip Walter
Linda Glantz Ward and Doug Ward
Scott and Pam White
Bill and Toni Whitman
Wendy Wintersteen and Robert Waggoner